引 用 文 献

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Metacognition and cognitive monitoring: A new area of cognitive-developmental inquiry. American Psychologist,34(10),pp.906-911.
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Propositional attitudes. Monist,61(4),pp.501-523.
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Hatfield,L.L. and Bradbard,D.A.(eds.),1978.
Mathematical problem solving: Papers from a research workshop. ERIC Information Analysis Center for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education.
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Aquisition of mathematics concepts and processes. Academic Press.
Mathematical problem solving in the elementary school: Some educational and psychological considederations. In Hatfield and Bradbard, 1978,pp.53-87.
Trends and issues in mathematics problem-solving research. In Lesh and Landau,1983,pp.229-261.
Newell,A. and Simon,H.A.,1972.
Human problem solving. Prentice-Hall.
How to solve it: A new aspect of mathematical method. Princeton Univ. Press.
The nature of intelligence. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
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Understanding computers and cognition: A new foundation for design. Ablex Pub. Corp. [平賀譲(訳), コンピュータと認知を理解する, 産業図書,1989.]