Progress - Units
Number and Arithmetic
Natural Number

Grade Unit Subunit Progress Hours
what why how
1 1. Sets . 8 8
2. Numbers from 1 to 10 The numbers 1, 2 and 3 4 28
The numbers 4, 5 and 6 4
The numbers 7, 8 and 9 4
Putting numbers in order from 1 to 9 4
The number zero 4
The number ten 4
The signs <, = or > 4
3. Adding up to ten Using the addition sign (+) 4 28
Adding up to 10 8
Families of numbers up to 10 16
4. Subtracting up to ten Using the sign (-) 4 16
Subtracting up to 10 4
The relation between subtraction and addition 12
5. Units and Tens Perfect Tens 12 24
Order of numbers 4
the family of a number in form of units and tens 8
6. Adding and Subtracting up to 99 Adding up to 99 8 24
Subtracting up to 99 16
2 1. Adding and Subtracting 2-digit numbers with Renaming Revision: reading and writing numbers up to 99 ? 12
Renaming ?
Adding two numbers with renaming ?
Subtracting two numbers with renaming ?
2. 3-digit numbers Hundred and its multiples ? 43
Reading and writing 3-digit numbers ?
Putting 3-digit numbers in order ?
Adding two 3-digit numbers with renaming ?
Subtracting two 3-digit numbers ?
4. Multiplication tables up to table (5) Multiplication ? ?
Multiplication table (2) ?
Multiplication table (3) ?
Multiplication table (4) ?
Multiplication table (5) ?
Multiplication by (1) and (0) ?
Odd numbers and even numbers ?
3 1. 5-digit numbers Thousands ? 38
Place value ?
Ten thousands ?
Addition (1) ?
Addition (2) ?
Subtraction (1) ?
Subtraction (2) ?
2. Multiplication Multiplication table (6) ? 52
Multiplication table (7) ?
Multiplication table (8) ?
Multiplication table (9) ?
Multiplying by tens ?
Multiplying by a 1-digit number ?
4. Division Meaning of division ? 26
The relation between division and multiplication ?
Dividing by a 1-digit number ?
4 1. Large numbers and operations on them Multiplying by 10, 100, 1000, ... 3 34
Hundred thousands and millions 4
Adding and subtracting large numbers 6
Multiplying two numbers 8
Division 4
2. Divisibility - Factors - Multiples Divisibility 1 30
Divisibility by 2 1
Divisibility by 5 1
Divisibility by 3 1
Factors - Prime numbers 2
Number factorization 3
Common factors - Highest Common Factor (H.C.F.) 3
Common multiples - Lowest Common Multiple (L.C.M.) 3