Up easygopigo3.py 作成: 2021-03-21
更新: 2021-03-21


      class EasyGoPiGo3(gopigo3.GoPiGo3)
        __init__(self, use_mutex=False)
        set_speed(self, in_speed)
        drive_cm(self, dist, blocking=True)
        drive_inches(self, dist, blocking=True)
        drive_degrees(self, degrees, blocking=True)
        steer(self, left_percent, right_percent)
        orbit(self, degrees, radius_cm=0, blocking=True)
        target_reached(self, left_target_degrees, right_target_degrees)
        turn_degrees(self, degrees, blocking=True)
        reset_encoders(self, blocking=True)
        read_encoders_average(self, units="cm")
        blinker_on(self, id)
        blinker_off(self, id)
        led_on(self, id)
        led_off(self, id)
        set_left_eye_color(self, color)
        set_right_eye_color(self, color)
        set_eye_color(self, color)
        init_light_sensor(self, port="AD1")
        init_sound_sensor(self, port="AD1")
        init_loudness_sensor(self, port="AD1")
        init_ultrasonic_sensor(self, port="AD1")
        init_buzzer(self, port="AD1")
        init_led(self, port="AD1")
        init_button_sensor(self, port="AD1")
        init_line_follower(self, port = "I2C")
        init_servo(self, port = "SERVO1")
        init_distance_sensor(self, port = "I2C")
        init_dht_sensor(self, sensor_type = 0)
        init_remote(self, port="AD1")
        init_motion_sensor(self, port="AD1")
        old_instantiation(fct_to_call, sensor_description, port="I2C", gpg=None, use_mutex=False)
        LightSensor(port="AD1", gpg=None, use_mutex = False)
        SoundSensor(port="AD1", gpg=None, use_mutex = False)
        LoudnessSensor(port="AD1", gpg=None, use_mutex = False)
        UltraSonicSensor(port="AD1", gpg=None, use_mutex = False)
        Buzzer(port="AD1", gpg=None, use_mutex = False)
        Led(port="AD1", gpg=None, use_mutex = False)
        MotionSensor(port="AD1", gpg=None, use_mutex = False)
        ButtonSensor(port="AD1", gpg=None, use_mutex=False)
        Remote(port="AD1", gpg=None, use_mutex=False)
        LineFollower(port="I2C", gpg=None, use_mutex=False)
        Servo(port="SERVO1", gpg=None, use_mutex=False)
        DistanceSensor(port="I2C", gpg=None, use_mutex=False)
        DHTSensor(gpg=None, sensor_type=0, use_mutex=False)

#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division # from builtins import input import sys # import tty # import select import time import os import math from I2C_mutex import Mutex import easysensors try: from di_sensors import easy_distance_sensor except ImportError as e: # It is quite possible to use the GPG3 without having the di_sensors repo installed pass except Exception as e: print("Importing di_sensors error: {}".format(e)) try: from di_sensors import easy_line_follower, easy_distance_sensor di_sensors_available = True except ImportError as err: di_sensors_available = False print(str(err)) except Exception as err: di_sensors_available = False print(str(err)) mutex = Mutex(debug=False) hardware_connected = True try: import gopigo3 except ImportError: hardware_connected = False print("Cannot import gopigo3 library") except Exception as e: hardware_connected = False print("Unknown issue while importing gopigo3") print(e) # try: # from line_follower import line_sensor # from line_follower import scratch_line # # is_line_follower_accessible not really used, just in case # is_line_follower_accessible = True # except: # try: # sys.path.insert(0, '/home/pi/GoPiGo/Software/Python/line_follower') # import line_sensor # import scratch_line # is_line_follower_accessible = True # except: # is_line_follower_accessible = False ########################## def debug(in_str): if False: print(in_str) ##################################################################### # # EASYGOPIGO3 # ##################################################################### class EasyGoPiGo3(gopigo3.GoPiGo3): """ This class is used for controlling a `GoPiGo3`_ robot. With this class you can do the following things with your `GoPiGo3`_: * Drive your robot in any number of directions. * Have precise control over the direction of the robot. * Set the speed of the robot. * Turn *on* or *off* the blinker LEDs. * Control the `GoPiGo3`_' Dex's *eyes*, *color* and so on ... .. needs revisiting .. warning:: Without a battery pack connected to the `GoPiGo3`_, the robot won't move. """ def __init__(self, use_mutex=False): """ This constructor sets the variables to the following values: :param bool use_mutex = False: When using multiple threads/processes that access the same resource/device, mutex has to be enabled. :var int speed = 300: The speed of the motors should go between **0-1000** DPS. :var tuple(int,int,int) left_eye_color = (0,255,255): Set Dex's left eye color to **turqoise**. :var tuple(int,int,int) right_eye_color = (0,255,255): Set Dex's right eye color to **turqoise**. :var int DEFAULT_SPEED = 300: Starting speed value: not too fast, not too slow. :raises IOError: When the GoPiGo3 is not detected. It also debugs a message in the terminal. :raises gopigo3.FirmwareVersionError: If the GoPiGo3 firmware needs to be updated. It also debugs a message in the terminal. :raises Exception: For any other kind of exceptions. """ try: super(self.__class__, self).__init__() except IOError as e: print("FATAL ERROR: GoPiGo3 is not detected.") raise e except gopigo3.FirmwareVersionError as e: print("FATAL ERROR: To update the firmware on Raspbian for Robots you need to run DI Software Update and choose Update Robot") raise e except Exception as e: raise e self.sensor_1 = None self.sensor_2 = None self.DEFAULT_SPEED = 300 self.NO_LIMIT_SPEED = 1000 self.set_speed(self.DEFAULT_SPEED) self.left_eye_color = (0, 255, 255) self.right_eye_color = (0, 255, 255) self.use_mutex = use_mutex def volt(self): """ This method returns the battery voltage of the `GoPiGo3`_. :return: The battery voltage of the `GoPiGo3`_. :rtype: float """ voltage = self.get_voltage_battery() return voltage def set_speed(self, in_speed): """ This method sets the speed of the `GoPiGo3`_ specified by ``in_speed`` argument. The speed is measured in *DPS = degrees per second* of the robot's wheel(s). :param int in_speed: The speed at which the robot is set to run - speed between **0-1000** DPS. .. warning:: **0-1000** DPS are the *preferred* speeds for the `GoPiGo3`_ robot. The speed variable can be basically set to any positive value, but factors like *voltage*, *load*, *battery amp rating*, etc, will determine the effective speed of the motors. Experiments should be run by every user, as each case is unique. """ try: self.speed = int(in_speed) except: self.speed = self.DEFAULT_SPEED self.set_motor_limits(self.MOTOR_LEFT + self.MOTOR_RIGHT, dps=self.speed) def get_speed(self): """ Use this method for getting the speed of your `GoPiGo3`_. :return: The speed of the robot measured between **0-1000** DPS. :rtype: int """ return int(self.speed) def reset_speed(self): """ This method resets the speed to its original value. """ self.set_speed(self.DEFAULT_SPEED) def stop(self): """ This method stops the `GoPiGo3`_ from moving. It brings the `GoPiGo3`_ to a full stop. .. note:: This method is used in conjuction with the following methods: * :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.backward` * :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.right` * :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.left` * :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.forward` """ self.set_motor_dps(self.MOTOR_LEFT + self.MOTOR_RIGHT, 0) def forward(self): """ Move the `GoPiGo3`_ forward. For setting the motor speed, use :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.set_speed`. Default ``speed`` is set to **300** - see :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.__init__`. """ self.set_motor_dps(self.MOTOR_LEFT + self.MOTOR_RIGHT, self.NO_LIMIT_SPEED) def drive_cm(self, dist, blocking=True): """ Move the `GoPiGo3`_ forward / backward for ``dist`` amount of centimeters. | For moving the `GoPiGo3`_ robot forward, the ``dist`` parameter has to be *positive*. | For moving the `GoPiGo3`_ robot backward, the ``dist`` parameter has to be *negative*. :param float dist: The distance in ``cm`` the `GoPiGo3`_ has to move. :param boolean blocking = True: Set it as a blocking or non-blocking method. ``blocking`` parameter can take the following values: * ``True`` so that the method will wait for the `GoPiGo3`_ robot to finish moving. * ``False`` so that the method will exit immediately while the `GoPiGo3`_ robot will continue moving. """ # dist is in cm # if dist is negative, this becomes a backward move dist_mm = dist * 10 # the number of degrees each wheel needs to turn WheelTurnDegrees = ((dist_mm / self.WHEEL_CIRCUMFERENCE) * 360) # get the starting position of each motor StartPositionLeft = self.get_motor_encoder(self.MOTOR_LEFT) StartPositionRight = self.get_motor_encoder(self.MOTOR_RIGHT) self.set_motor_position(self.MOTOR_LEFT, (StartPositionLeft + WheelTurnDegrees)) self.set_motor_position(self.MOTOR_RIGHT, (StartPositionRight + WheelTurnDegrees)) if blocking: while self.target_reached( StartPositionLeft + WheelTurnDegrees, StartPositionRight + WheelTurnDegrees) is False: time.sleep(0.1) def drive_inches(self, dist, blocking=True): """ Move the `GoPiGo3`_ forward / backward for ``dist`` amount of inches. | For moving the `GoPiGo3`_ robot forward, the ``dist`` parameter has to be *positive*. | For moving the `GoPiGo3`_ robot backward, the ``dist`` parameter has to be *negative*. :param float dist: The distance in ``inches`` the `GoPiGo3`_ has to move. :param boolean blocking = True: Set it as a blocking or non-blocking method. ``blocking`` parameter can take the following values: * ``True`` so that the method will wait for the `GoPiGo3`_ robot to finish moving. * ``False`` so that the method will exit immediately while the `GoPiGo3`_ robot will continue moving. """ self.drive_cm(dist * 2.54, blocking) def drive_degrees(self, degrees, blocking=True): """ Move the `GoPiGo3`_ forward / backward for ``degrees / 360`` wheel rotations. | For moving the `GoPiGo3`_ robot forward, the ``degrees`` parameter has to be *positive*. | For moving the `GoPiGo3`_ robot backward, the ``degrees`` parameter has to be *negative*. :param float degrees: Distance based on how many wheel rotations are made. Calculated by ``degrees / 360``. :param boolean blocking = True: Set it as a blocking or non-blocking method. ``blocking`` parameter can take the following values: * ``True`` so that the method will wait for the `GoPiGo3`_ robot to finish rotating. * ``False`` so that the method will exit immediately while the `GoPiGo3`_ robot will continue rotating. For instance, the following function call is going to drive the `GoPiGo3`_ robot forward for *310 / 360* wheel rotations, which equates to aproximately *86%* of the `GoPiGo3`_'s wheel circumference. .. code-block:: python gpg3_obj.drive_degrees(310) On the other hand, changing the polarity of the argument we're passing, is going to make the `GoPiGo3`_ robot move backward. .. code-block:: python gpg3_obj.drive_degrees(-30.5) This line of code makes the `GoPiGo3`_ robot go backward for *30.5 / 360* rotations, which is roughly *8.5%* of the `GoPiGo3`_'s wheel circumference. """ # these degrees are meant to be wheel rotations. # 360 degrees would be a full wheel rotation # not the same as turn_degrees() which is a robot rotation # degrees is in degrees, not radians # if degrees is negative, this becomes a backward move # get the starting position of each motor StartPositionLeft = self.get_motor_encoder(self.MOTOR_LEFT) StartPositionRight = self.get_motor_encoder(self.MOTOR_RIGHT) self.set_motor_position(self.MOTOR_LEFT, (StartPositionLeft + degrees)) self.set_motor_position(self.MOTOR_RIGHT, (StartPositionRight + degrees)) if blocking: while self.target_reached( StartPositionLeft + degrees, StartPositionRight + degrees) is False: time.sleep(0.1) return def backward(self): """ Move the `GoPiGo3`_ backward. For setting the motor speed, use :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.set_speed`. Default ``speed`` is set to ``300`` - see :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.__init__`. """ self.set_motor_dps(self.MOTOR_LEFT + self.MOTOR_RIGHT, self.NO_LIMIT_SPEED * -1) def right(self): """ Move the `GoPiGo3`_ to the right. For setting the motor speed, use :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.set_speed`. Default ``speed`` is set to **300** - see :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.__init__`. .. important:: | The robot will activate only the left motor, whilst the right motor will be completely stopped. | This causes the robot to rotate in very short circles. """ self.set_motor_dps(self.MOTOR_LEFT, self.NO_LIMIT_SPEED) self.set_motor_dps(self.MOTOR_RIGHT, 0) def spin_right(self): """ Rotate the `GoPiGo3` towards the right while staying on the same spot. This differs from the :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.right` method as both wheels will be rotating but in different directions. This causes the robot to spin in place, as if doing a pirouette. For setting the motor speed, use :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.set_speed`. Default ``speed`` is set to **300** - see :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.__init__`. .. important:: You can achieve the same effect by calling ``steer(100, -100)`` (method :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.steer`). """ self.set_motor_dps(self.MOTOR_LEFT, self.NO_LIMIT_SPEED) self.set_motor_dps(self.MOTOR_RIGHT, self.NO_LIMIT_SPEED * -1) def left(self): """ Move the `GoPiGo3`_ to the left. For setting the motor speed, use :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.set_speed`. Default ``speed`` is set to **300** - see :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.__init__`. .. important:: | The robot will activate only the right motor, whilst the left motor will be completely stopped. | This causes the robot to rotate in very short circles. """ self.set_motor_dps(self.MOTOR_LEFT, 0) self.set_motor_dps(self.MOTOR_RIGHT, self.NO_LIMIT_SPEED) def spin_left(self): """ Rotate the `GoPiGo3` towards the left while staying on the same spot. This differs from the :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.left` method as both wheels will be rotating but in different directions. This causes the robot to spin in place, as if doing a pirouette. For setting the motor speed, use :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.set_speed`. Default ``speed`` is set to **300** - see :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.__init__`. .. important:: You can achieve the same effect by calling ``steer(-100, 100)`` (method :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.steer`). """ self.set_motor_dps(self.MOTOR_LEFT, self.NO_LIMIT_SPEED * -1) self.set_motor_dps(self.MOTOR_RIGHT, self.NO_LIMIT_SPEED ) def steer(self, left_percent, right_percent): """ Control each motor in order to get a variety of turning movements. Each motor is assigned a percentage of the current speed value. While there is no limit on the values of ``left_percent`` and ``right_percent`` parameters, they are expected to be between **-100** and **100**. :param int left_percent: Percentage of current speed value that gets applied to left motor. The range is between **-100** (for backward rotation) and **100** (for forward rotation). :param int right_percent: Percentage of current speed value that gets applied to right motor. The range is between **-100** (for backward rotation) and **100** (for forward rotation). For setting the motor speed, use :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.set_speed`. Default ``speed`` is set to **300** - see :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.__init__`. .. important:: Setting both ``left_percent`` and ``right_percent`` parameters to **100** will result in the same behavior as the :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.forward` method. The other behavior for :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.backward` method will be experienced if both parameters are set to **-100**. Setting both ``left_percent`` and ``right_percent`` to **0** will stop the GoPiGo from moving. """ self.set_motor_dps(self.MOTOR_LEFT, self.NO_LIMIT_SPEED * left_percent / 100) self.set_motor_dps(self.MOTOR_RIGHT, self.NO_LIMIT_SPEED * right_percent / 100) def orbit(self, degrees, radius_cm=0, blocking=True): """ Control the GoPiGo so it will orbit around an object. :param int degrees: Degrees to steer. **360** for full rotation. Negative for left turn. :param int radius_cm: Radius in `cm` of the circle to drive. Default is **0** (turn in place). :param boolean blocking = True: Set it as a blocking or non-blocking method. .. important:: Note that while in non-blocking mode the speed cannot be changed before the end of the orbit as it would negate all orbit calculations. After a non-blocking call, :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.set_speed` has to be called before any other movement. """ speed = self.get_speed() radius = radius_cm * 10 # the total distance to drive in mm drive_distance = math.pi * abs(radius) * abs(degrees) / 180 # / 180 is shorter than radius * 2 / 360 # the distance in mm to add to one motor and subtract from the other drive_difference = ((self.WHEEL_BASE_CIRCUMFERENCE * degrees) / 360) # the number of degrees each wheel needs to turn on average to get the necessary distance distance_degrees = ((drive_distance / self.WHEEL_CIRCUMFERENCE) * 360) # the difference between motor travel in degrees difference_degrees = ((drive_difference / self.WHEEL_CIRCUMFERENCE) * 360) # the distance each wheel needs to turn left_target = (distance_degrees + difference_degrees) right_target = (distance_degrees - difference_degrees) # if it's a left turn if degrees < 0: MOTOR_FAST = self.MOTOR_RIGHT MOTOR_SLOW = self.MOTOR_LEFT fast_target = right_target slow_target = left_target else: MOTOR_FAST = self.MOTOR_LEFT MOTOR_SLOW = self.MOTOR_RIGHT fast_target = left_target slow_target = right_target # determine driving direction from the speed direction = 1 speed_with_direction = speed if speed < 0: direction = -1 speed_with_direction = -speed # calculate the motor speed for each motor fast_speed = speed_with_direction slow_speed = abs((speed_with_direction * slow_target) / fast_target) # set the motor speeds self.set_motor_limits(MOTOR_FAST, dps = fast_speed) self.set_motor_limits(MOTOR_SLOW, dps = slow_speed) # get the starting position of each motor StartPositionLeft = self.get_motor_encoder(self.MOTOR_LEFT) StartPositionRight = self.get_motor_encoder(self.MOTOR_RIGHT) # Set each motor target position self.set_motor_position(self.MOTOR_LEFT, (StartPositionLeft + (left_target * direction))) self.set_motor_position(self.MOTOR_RIGHT, (StartPositionRight + (right_target * direction))) if blocking: while self.target_reached( StartPositionLeft + (left_target * direction), StartPositionRight + (right_target * direction)) is False: time.sleep(0.1) # reset to original speed once done # if non-blocking, then the user is responsible in resetting the speed self.set_speed(speed) return def target_reached(self, left_target_degrees, right_target_degrees): """ Checks if (*wheels have rotated for a given number of degrees*): * The left *wheel* has rotated for ``left_target_degrees`` degrees. * The right *wheel* has rotated for ``right_target_degrees`` degrees. If both conditions are met, it returns ``True``, otherwise it's ``False``. :param int left_target_degrees: Target degrees for the *left* wheel. :param int right_target_degrees: Target degrees for the *right* wheel. :return: Whether both wheels have reached their target. :rtype: boolean. For checking if the `GoPiGo3`_ robot has moved **forward** for ``360 / 360`` wheel rotations, we'd use the following code snippet. .. code-block:: python # both variables are measured in degrees left_motor_target = 360 right_motor_target = 360 # reset the encoders gpg3_obj.reset_encoders() # and make the robot move forward gpg3_obj.forward() while gpg3_obj.target_reached(left_motor_target, right_motor_target): # give the robot some time to move sleep(0.05) # now lets stop the robot # otherwise it would keep on going gpg3_obj.stop() On the other hand, for moving the `GoPiGo3`_ robot to the **right** for ``187 / 360`` wheel rotations of the left wheel, we'd use the following code snippet. .. code-block:: python # both variables are measured in degrees left_motor_target = 187 right_motor_target = 0 # reset the encoders gpg3_obj.reset_encoders() # and make the robot move to the right gpg3_obj.right() while gpg3_obj.target_reached(left_motor_target, right_motor_target): # give the robot some time to move sleep(0.05) # now lets stop the robot # otherwise it would keep on going gpg3_obj.stop() .. note:: You *can* use this method in conjunction with the following methods: * :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.drive_cm` * :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.drive_inches` * :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.drive_degrees` when they are used in *non-blocking* mode. And almost *everytime* with the following ones: * :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.backward` * :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.right` * :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.left` * :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.forward` """ tolerance = 5 min_left_target = left_target_degrees - tolerance max_left_target = left_target_degrees + tolerance min_right_target = right_target_degrees - tolerance max_right_target = right_target_degrees + tolerance current_left_position = self.get_motor_encoder(self.MOTOR_LEFT) current_right_position = self.get_motor_encoder(self.MOTOR_RIGHT) if current_left_position > min_left_target and \ current_left_position < max_left_target and \ current_right_position > min_right_target and \ current_right_position < max_right_target: return True else: return False def reset_encoders(self, blocking=True): """ Resets both the encoders back to **0**. :param boolean blocking = True: Set it as a blocking or non-blocking method. ``blocking`` parameter can take the following values: * ``True`` so that the method will wait for the `GoPiGo3`_ motors to finish resetting. * ``False`` so that the method will exit immediately while the `GoPiGo3`_ motors will continue to reset. Sending another motor command to the motors while the reset is under way might lead to confusing behavior. """ self.set_motor_power(self.MOTOR_LEFT + self.MOTOR_RIGHT, 0) left_target = self.get_motor_encoder(self.MOTOR_LEFT) right_target = self.get_motor_encoder(self.MOTOR_RIGHT) self.offset_motor_encoder(self.MOTOR_LEFT, left_target) self.offset_motor_encoder(self.MOTOR_RIGHT, right_target) motor_left_previous = None motor_right_previous = None if blocking: # Note to self. using target_reached() here didn't work. # So instead let's keep waiting till the motors stop moving while motor_left_previous != self.MOTOR_LEFT or motor_right_previous != self.MOTOR_RIGHT: motor_left_previous = self.MOTOR_LEFT motor_right_previous = self.MOTOR_RIGHT time.sleep(0.025) def read_encoders(self): """ Reads the encoders' position in degrees. 360 degrees represent 1 full rotation (or 360 degrees) of a wheel. :returns: A tuple containing the position in degrees of each encoder. The 1st element is for the left motor and the 2nd is for the right motor. :rtype: tuple(int,int) """ left_encoder = self.get_motor_encoder(self.MOTOR_LEFT) right_encoder = self.get_motor_encoder(self.MOTOR_RIGHT) encoders = (left_encoder, right_encoder) return encoders def read_encoders_average(self, units="cm"): """ Reads the encoders' position in degrees. 360 degrees represent 1 full rotation (or 360 degrees) of a wheel. :param string units: By default it's "cm", but it could also be "in" for inches. Anything else will return raw encoder average. :returns: The average of the two wheel encoder values. :rtype: int """ left, right = self.read_encoders() average = (left+right)/2 if units=="cm": average = ((average / 360 ) * self.WHEEL_CIRCUMFERENCE) / 10 elif units=="in" or units=="inches" or units=="inch": average = ((average / 360 ) * self.WHEEL_CIRCUMFERENCE) / (10 * 2.54) else: pass # do no conversion return average def turn_degrees(self, degrees, blocking=True): """ Makes the `GoPiGo3`_ robot turn at a specific angle while staying in the same spot. :param float degrees: The angle in degress at which the `GoPiGo3`_ has to turn. For rotating the robot to the left, ``degrees`` has to negative, and make it turn to the right, ``degrees`` has to be positive. :param boolean blocking = True: Set it as a blocking or non-blocking method. ``blocking`` parameter can take the following values: * ``True`` so that the method will wait for the `GoPiGo3`_ robot to finish moving. * ``False`` so that the method will exit immediately while the `GoPiGo3`_ robot will continue moving. In order to better understand what does this method do, let's take a look at the following graphical representation. .. image:: ../images/gpg3_robot.svg In the image, we have multiple identifiers: * The "*heading*": it represents the robot's heading. By default, "rotating" the robot by 0 degrees is going to make the robot stay in place. * The "*wheel circle circumference*": this is the circle that's described by the 2 motors moving in opposite direction. * The "*GoPiGo3*": the robot we're playing with. The robot's body isn't draw in this representation as it's not the main focus here. * The "*wheels*": these are just the `GoPiGo3`_'s wheels - selfexplanatory. The effect of this class method is that the `GoPiGo3`_ will rotate in the same spot (depending on ``degrees`` parameter), while the wheels will be describing a perfect circle. So, in order to calculate how much the motors have to spin, we divide the *angle* (at which we want to rotate the robot) by 360 degrees and we get a float number between 0 and 1 (think of it as a percentage). We then multiply this value with the *wheel circle circumference* (which is the circumference of the circle the robot's wheels describe when rotating in the same place). At the end we get the distance each wheel has to travel in order to rotate the robot by ``degrees`` degrees. """ # this is the method to use if you want the robot to turn 90 degrees # or any other amount. This method is based on robot orientation # and not wheel rotation # the distance in mm that each wheel needs to travel WheelTravelDistance = ((self.WHEEL_BASE_CIRCUMFERENCE * degrees) / 360) # the number of degrees each wheel needs to turn WheelTurnDegrees = ((WheelTravelDistance / self.WHEEL_CIRCUMFERENCE) * 360) # get the starting position of each motor StartPositionLeft = self.get_motor_encoder(self.MOTOR_LEFT) StartPositionRight = self.get_motor_encoder(self.MOTOR_RIGHT) # Set each motor target self.set_motor_position(self.MOTOR_LEFT, (StartPositionLeft + WheelTurnDegrees)) self.set_motor_position(self.MOTOR_RIGHT, (StartPositionRight - WheelTurnDegrees)) if blocking: while self.target_reached( StartPositionLeft + WheelTurnDegrees, StartPositionRight - WheelTurnDegrees) is False: time.sleep(0.1) def blinker_on(self, id): """ Turns *ON* one of the 2 red blinkers that `GoPiGo3`_ has. :param int|str id: **0** / **1** for the right / left led or string literals can be used : ``"right"`` and ``"left"``. """ if id == 1 or id == "left": self.set_led(self.LED_LEFT_BLINKER, 255) if id == 0 or id == "right": self.set_led(self.LED_RIGHT_BLINKER, 255) def blinker_off(self, id): """ Turns *OFF* one of the 2 red blinkers that `GoPiGo3`_ has. :param int|str id: **0** / **1** for the right / left led or string literals can be used : ``"right"`` and ``"left"``. """ if id == 1 or id == "left": self.set_led(self.LED_LEFT_BLINKER, 0) if id == 0 or id == "right": self.set_led(self.LED_RIGHT_BLINKER, 0) def led_on(self, id): """ Turns *ON* one of the 2 red blinkers that `GoPiGo3`_ has. The same as :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.blinker_on`. :param int|str id: **0** / **1** for the right / left led or string literals can be used : ``"right"``` and ``"left"``. """ self.blinker_on(id) def led_off(self, id): """ Turns *OFF* one of the 2 red blinkers that `GoPiGo3`_ has. The same as :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.blinker_off`. :param int|str id: **0** / **1** for the right / left led or string literals can be used : ``"right"`` and ``"left"``. """ self.blinker_off(id) def set_left_eye_color(self, color): """ Sets the LED color for Dexter mascot's left eye. :param tuple(int,int,int) color: 8-bit RGB tuple that represents the left eye's color. :raises TypeError: When ``color`` parameter is not valid. .. important:: After setting the eye's color, call :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.open_left_eye` or :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.open_eyes` to update the color, or otherwise the left eye's color won't change. """ if isinstance(color, tuple) and len(color) == 3: self.left_eye_color = color else: raise TypeError("Eye color not valid") def set_right_eye_color(self, color): """ Sets the LED color for Dexter mascot's right eye. :param tuple(int,int,int) color: 8-bit RGB tuple that represents the right eye's color. :raises TypeError: When ``color`` parameter is not valid. .. important:: After setting the eye's color, call :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.open_right_eye` or :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.open_eyes` to update the color, or otherwise the right eye's color won't change. """ if isinstance(color, tuple) and len(color) == 3: self.right_eye_color = color else: raise TypeError("Eye color not valid") def set_eye_color(self, color): """ Sets the LED color for Dexter mascot's eyes. :param tuple(int,int,int) color: 8-bit RGB tuple that represents the eyes' color. :raises TypeError: When ``color`` parameter is not valid. .. important:: After setting the eyes' color, call :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.open_eyes` to update the color of both eyes, or otherwise the color won't change. """ self.set_left_eye_color(color) self.set_right_eye_color(color) def open_left_eye(self): """ Turns *ON* Dexter mascot's left eye. """ self.set_led(self.LED_LEFT_EYE, self.left_eye_color[0], self.left_eye_color[1], self.left_eye_color[2], ) def open_right_eye(self): """ Turns *ON* Dexter mascot's right eye. """ self.set_led(self.LED_RIGHT_EYE, self.right_eye_color[0], self.right_eye_color[1], self.right_eye_color[2], ) def open_eyes(self): """ Turns *ON* Dexter mascot's eyes. """ self.open_left_eye() self.open_right_eye() def close_left_eye(self): """ Turns *OFF* Dexter mascot's left eye. """ self.set_led(self.LED_LEFT_EYE, 0, 0, 0) def close_right_eye(self): """ Turns *OFF* Dexter mascot's right eye. """ self.set_led(self.LED_RIGHT_EYE, 0, 0, 0) def close_eyes(self): """ Turns *OFF* Dexter mascot's eyes. """ self.close_left_eye() self.close_right_eye() def init_light_sensor(self, port="AD1"): """ Initialises a :py:class:`~easysensors.LightSensor` object and then returns it. :param str port = "AD1": Can be either ``"AD1"`` or ``"AD2"``. By default it's set to be ``"AD1"``. :returns: An instance of the :py:class:`~easysensors.LightSensor` class and with the port set to ``port``'s value. The ``"AD1"`` and ``"AD2"`` ports are mapped to the following :ref:`hardware-ports-section`. The ``use_mutex`` parameter of the :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.__init__` constructor is passed down to the constructor of :py:class:`~easysensors.LightSensor` class. """ return easysensors.LightSensor(port, self, use_mutex=self.use_mutex) def init_sound_sensor(self, port="AD1"): """ Initialises a :py:class:`~easysensors.SoundSensor` object and then returns it. :param str port = "AD1": Can be either ``"AD1"`` or ``"AD2"``. By default it's set to be ``"AD1"``. :returns: An instance of the :py:class:`~easysensors.SoundSensor` class and with the port set to ``port``'s value. The ``"AD1"`` and ``"AD2"`` ports are mapped to the following :ref:`hardware-ports-section`. The ``use_mutex`` parameter of the :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.__init__` constructor is passed down to the constructor of :py:class:`~easysensors.SoundSensor` class. """ return easysensors.SoundSensor(port, self, use_mutex=self.use_mutex) # def init_loudness_sensor(self, port = "AD1"): # """ # | Initialises a :py:class:`~easysensors.LoudnessSensor` object and then returns it. # """ def init_loudness_sensor(self, port="AD1"): """ Initialises a :py:class:`~easysensors.LoudnessSensor` object and then returns it. :param str port = "AD1": Can be either ``"AD1"`` or ``"AD2"``. By default it's set to be ``"AD1"``. :returns: An instance of the :py:class:`~easysensors.LoudnessSensor` class and with the port set to ``port``'s value. The ``"AD1"`` and ``"AD2"`` ports are mapped to the following :ref:`hardware-ports-section`. The ``use_mutex`` parameter of the :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.__init__` constructor is passed down to the constructor of :py:class:`~easysensors.LoudnessSensor` class. """ return easysensors.LoudnessSensor(port, self, use_mutex=self.use_mutex) def init_ultrasonic_sensor(self, port="AD1"): """ Initialises a :py:class:`~easysensors.UltraSonicSensor` object and then returns it. :param str port = "AD1": Can be either ``"AD1"`` or ``"AD2"``. By default it's set to be ``"AD1"``. :returns: An instance of the :py:class:`~easysensors.UltraSonicSensor` class and with the port set to ``port``'s value. The ``"AD1"`` and ``"AD2"`` ports are mapped to the following :ref:`hardware-ports-section`. The ``use_mutex`` parameter of the :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.__init__` constructor is passed down to the constructor of :py:class:`~easysensors.UltraSonicSensor` class. """ return easysensors.UltraSonicSensor(port, self, use_mutex=self.use_mutex) def init_buzzer(self, port="AD1"): """ Initialises a :py:class:`~easysensors.Buzzer` object and then returns it. :param str port = "AD1": Can be either ``"AD1"`` or ``"AD2"``. By default it's set to be ``"AD1"``. :returns: An instance of the :py:class:`~easysensors.Buzzer` class and with the port set to ``port``'s value. The ``"AD1"`` and ``"AD2"`` ports are mapped to the following :ref:`hardware-ports-section`. The ``use_mutex`` parameter of the :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.__init__` constructor is passed down to the constructor of :py:class:`~easysensors.Buzzer` class. """ return easysensors.Buzzer(port, self, use_mutex=self.use_mutex) def init_led(self, port="AD1"): """ Initialises a :py:class:`~easysensors.Led` object and then returns it. :param str port = "AD1": Can be either ``"AD1"`` or ``"AD2"``. By default it's set to be ``"AD1"``. :returns: An instance of the :py:class:`~easysensors.Led` class and with the port set to ``port``'s value. The ``"AD1"`` and ``"AD2"`` ports are mapped to the following :ref:`hardware-ports-section`. The ``use_mutex`` parameter of the :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.__init__` constructor is passed down to the constructor of :py:class:`~easysensors.Led` class. """ return easysensors.Led(port, self, use_mutex=self.use_mutex) def init_button_sensor(self, port="AD1"): """ Initialises a :py:class:`~easysensors.ButtonSensor` object and then returns it. :param str port = "AD1": Can be either ``"AD1"`` or ``"AD2"``. By default it's set to be ``"AD1"``. :returns: An instance of the :py:class:`~easysensors.ButtonSensor` class and with the port set to ``port``'s value. The ``"AD1"`` and ``"AD2"`` ports are mapped to the following :ref:`hardware-ports-section`. The ``use_mutex`` parameter of the :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.__init__` constructor is passed down to the constructor of :py:class:`~easysensors.ButtonSensor` class. """ return easysensors.ButtonSensor(port, self, use_mutex=self.use_mutex) def init_line_follower(self, port = "I2C"): """ Initialises a :py:class:`~di_sensors.easy_line_follower.EasyLineFollower` object and then returns it. :param str port = "I2C": The only option for this parameter for the `Line Follower Sensor (red board)`_ is ``"I2C"`` and for the `Line Follower Sensor (black board)`_ it can also be ``"AD1"``/``"AD2"``. The default value for this parameter is already set to ``"I2C"``. :returns: An instance of the :py:class:`~di_sensors.easy_line_follower.EasyLineFollower` class and with the port set to ``port``'s value. The ``"I2C"``, ``"AD1"`` and ``"AD2"`` ports are mapped to the following :ref:`hardware-ports-section`. .. tip:: | The sensor can be connected to any of the I2C ports. | You can connect different I2C devices simultaneously provided that: * The I2C devices have different addresses. * The I2C devices are recognizeable by the `GoPiGo3`_ platform. The ``use_mutex`` parameter of the :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.__init__` constructor is passed down to the constructor of :py:class:`~di_sensors.easy_line_follower.EasyLineFollower` class. """ if di_sensors_available is False: raise ImportError("di_sensors library not found") lf = easy_line_follower.EasyLineFollower(port, use_mutex=self.use_mutex) if lf._sensor_id == 0: raise OSError("line follower is not reachable") return lf def init_servo(self, port = "SERVO1"): """ Initialises a :py:class:`~easysensors.Servo` object and then returns it. :param str port = "SERVO1": Can be either ``"SERVO1"`` or ``"SERVO2"``. By default it's set to be ``"SERVO1"``. :returns: An instance of the :py:class:`~easysensors.Servo` class and with the port set to ``port``'s value. The ``"SERVO1"`` and ``"SERVO2"`` ports are mapped to the following :ref:`hardware-ports-section`. The ``use_mutex`` parameter of the :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.__init__` constructor is passed down to the constructor of :py:class:`~easysensors.Servo` class. """ return easysensors.Servo(port, self, use_mutex=self.use_mutex) def init_distance_sensor(self, port = "I2C"): """ Initialises a :py:class:`~di_sensors.easy_distance_sensor.EasyDistanceSensor` object and then returns it. :param str port = "I2C": The only option for this parameter is ``"I2C"``. The parameter has ``"I2C"`` as a default value. :returns: An instance of the :py:class:`~di_sensors.easy_distance_sensor.EasyDistanceSensor` class and with the port set to ``port``'s value. :raises ImportError: When the :py:mod:`di_sensors` module can't be found. Check the `DI-Sensors`_ documentation on how to install the libraries. The ``"I2C"`` ports are mapped to the following :ref:`hardware-ports-section`. The ``use_mutex`` parameter of the :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.__init__` constructor is passed down to the constructor of :py:class:`~di_sensors.easy_distance_sensor.EasyDistanceSensor` class. .. tip:: | The sensor can be connected to any of the I2C ports. | You can connect different I2C devices simultaneously provided that: * The I2C devices have different addresses. * The I2C devices are recognizeable by the `GoPiGo3`_ platform. """ if di_sensors_available is False: raise ImportError("di_sensors library not available") return easy_distance_sensor.EasyDistanceSensor(use_mutex=self.use_mutex) def init_dht_sensor(self, sensor_type = 0): """ Initialises a :py:class:`~easysensors.DHTSensor` object and then returns it. :param int sensor_type = 0: Choose ``sensor_type = 0`` when you have the blue-coloured DHT sensor or ``sensor_type = 1`` when it's white. :returns: An instance of the :py:class:`~easysensors.DHTSensor` class and with the port set to ``port``'s value. The ``use_mutex`` parameter of the :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.__init__` constructor is passed down to the constructor of :py:class:`~easysensors.DHTSensor` class. .. important:: The only port to which this device can be connected is the ``"SERIAL"`` port, so therefore, there's no need for a parameter which specifies the port of device because we've only got one available. The ``"SERIAL"`` port is mapped to the following :ref:`hardware-ports-section`. """ return easysensors.DHTSensor(self, sensor_type, self.use_mutex) def init_remote(self, port="AD1"): """ Initialises a :py:class:`~easysensors.Remote` object and then returns it. :param str port = "AD1": Can be set to either ``"AD1"`` or ``"AD2"``. Set by default to ``"AD1"``. :returns: An instance of the :py:class:`~easysensors.Remote` class and with the port set to ``port``'s value. The ``"AD1"`` port is mapped to the following :ref:`hardware-ports-section`. The ``use_mutex`` parameter of the :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.__init__` constructor is passed down to the constructor of :py:class:`~easysensors.Remote` class. """ return easysensors.Remote(port, self, self.use_mutex) def init_motion_sensor(self, port="AD1"): """ Initialises a :py:class:`~easysensors.MotionSensor` object and then returns it :param str port = "AD1": Can be set to either ``"AD1"`` or ``"AD2"``. Set by default to ``"AD1"``. :returns: An instance of the :py:class:`~easysensors.MotionSensor` class and with the port set to ``port``'s value. The ``"AD1"`` port is mapped to the following :ref:`hardware-ports-section`. The ``use_mutex`` parameter of the :py:meth:`~easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.__init__` constructor is passed down to the constructor of :py:class:`~easysensors.MotionSensor` class. """ return easysensors.MotionSensor(port, self, self.use_mutex) ######################################################################################### # The following functions are left behind for backward compatibility # It would be best not to use them as they are only offered to support existing code ######################################################################################### import warnings deprecated_msg = "WARNING: Instantiating a {} this way is deprecated." def old_instantiation(fct_to_call, sensor_description, port="I2C", gpg=None, use_mutex=False): if not isinstance(gpg, gopigo3.GoPiGo3): raise TypeError("Use a GoPiGo3 object for the gpg parameter.") if gpg.use_mutex != use_mutex and mutex.overall_mutex() == False : msg = "Invalid use of mutex: the GoPiGo3 {} mutex protection and the {} {}." raise ValueError(msg.format( "uses" if gpg.use_mutex else "does not use", sensor_description, "does" if use_mutex else "does not")) warnings.warn(deprecated_msg.format(sensor_description), DeprecationWarning) print(deprecated_msg.format(sensor_description)) return fct_to_call(port=port) def LightSensor(port="AD1", gpg=None, use_mutex = False): """ Use :py:class:`easysensors.LightSensor` instead """ if not isinstance(gpg, gopigo3.GoPiGo3): raise TypeError("Use a GoPiGo3 object for the gpg parameter.") return old_instantiation(gpg.init_light_sensor, "light sensor", port, gpg, use_mutex) def SoundSensor(port="AD1", gpg=None, use_mutex = False): """ Use :py:class:`easysensors.SoundSensor` instead """ if not isinstance(gpg, gopigo3.GoPiGo3): raise TypeError("Use a GoPiGo3 object for the gpg parameter.") return old_instantiation(gpg.init_sound_sensor, "sound sensor", port, gpg, use_mutex) def LoudnessSensor(port="AD1", gpg=None, use_mutex = False): """ Use :py:class:`easysensors.LoudnessSensor` instead """ if not isinstance(gpg, gopigo3.GoPiGo3): raise TypeError("Use a GoPiGo3 object for the gpg parameter.") return old_instantiation(gpg.init_loudness_sensor, "loudness sensor", port, gpg, use_mutex) def UltraSonicSensor(port="AD1", gpg=None, use_mutex = False): """ Use :py:class:`easysensors.UltraSonicSensor` instead """ if not isinstance(gpg, gopigo3.GoPiGo3): raise TypeError("Use a GoPiGo3 object for the gpg parameter.") return old_instantiation(gpg.init_ultrasonic_sensor, "ultrasonic sensor", port, gpg, use_mutex) def Buzzer(port="AD1", gpg=None, use_mutex = False): """ Use :py:class:`easysensors.Buzzer` instead """ if not isinstance(gpg, gopigo3.GoPiGo3): raise TypeError("Use a GoPiGo3 object for the gpg parameter.") return old_instantiation(gpg.init_buzzer, "buzzer", port, gpg, use_mutex) def Led(port="AD1", gpg=None, use_mutex = False): """ Use :py:class:`easysensors.Led` instead """ if not isinstance(gpg, gopigo3.GoPiGo3): raise TypeError("Use a GoPiGo3 object for the gpg parameter.") return old_instantiation(gpg.init_led, "LED", port, gpg, use_mutex) def MotionSensor(port="AD1", gpg=None, use_mutex = False): """ Use :py:class:`easysensors.MotionSensor` instead """ if not isinstance(gpg, gopigo3.GoPiGo3): raise TypeError("Use a GoPiGo3 object for the gpg parameter.") return old_instantiation(gpg.init_motion_sensor, "motion sensor", port, gpg, use_mutex) def ButtonSensor(port="AD1", gpg=None, use_mutex=False): """ Use :py:class:`easysensors.ButtonSensor` instead """ if not isinstance(gpg, gopigo3.GoPiGo3): raise TypeError("Use a GoPiGo3 object for the gpg parameter.") return old_instantiation(gpg.init_button_sensor, "button sensor", port, gpg, use_mutex) def Remote(port="AD1", gpg=None, use_mutex=False): """ Use :py:class:`easysensors.Remote` instead """ if not isinstance(gpg, gopigo3.GoPiGo3): raise TypeError("Use a GoPiGo3 object for the gpg parameter.") return old_instantiation(gpg.init_remote, "remote", port, gpg, use_mutex) def LineFollower(port="I2C", gpg=None, use_mutex=False): """ Use :py:class:`di_sensors.easy_line_follower.EasyLineFollower` instead """ if di_sensors_available is False: raise ImportError("di_sensors library not available") lf = easy_line_follower.EasyLineFollower(port, use_mutex=use_mutex) if lf._sensor_id == 0: raise OSError("line follower is not reachable") return lf def Servo(port="SERVO1", gpg=None, use_mutex=False): """ Use :py:class:`easysensors.Servo` instead """ if not isinstance(gpg, gopigo3.GoPiGo3): raise TypeError("Use a GoPiGo3 object for the gpg parameter.") return old_instantiation(gpg.init_servo, "servo", port, gpg, use_mutex) def DistanceSensor(port="I2C", gpg=None, use_mutex=False): if not isinstance(gpg, gopigo3.GoPiGo3): raise TypeError("Use a GoPiGo3 object for the gpg parameter.") return old_instantiation(gpg.init_distance_sensor, "distance sensor", port, gpg, use_mutex) def DHTSensor(gpg=None, sensor_type=0, use_mutex=False): """ Use :py:class:`easysensors.DHTSensor` instead """ if not isinstance(gpg, gopigo3.GoPiGo3): raise TypeError("Use a GoPiGo3 object for the gpg parameter.") if gpg.use_mutex != use_mutex: msg = "Invalid use of mutex: the GoPiGo3 {} mutex protection and the distance sensor {}." raise ValueError(msg.format( "uses" if gpg.use_mutex else "does not use", "does" if use_mutex else "does not")) warnings.warn(deprecated_msg.format(sensor_description), DeprecationWarning) print(deprecated_msg.format(sensor_description)) return gpg.init_dht_sensor(sensor_type=sensor_type)